Monday 8 September 2025
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Terms & Conditions

Terms of acknowledgement
  1. The entry is only valid for the person whose name and address details are listed.
  2. Each entrant may only submit one entry for the Event.
  3. All prices are in Australian Dollars.
  4. At the completion of the online registration process, entrants will be given the option to create an individual or group fundraising page.
  5. I acknowledge that my entry fee is non-refundable unless there are special circumstances. Special circumstances are at the sole discretion of the organisers.
  6. Each entrant understands that their entry form and payment is valid only for the Event stated (however, a different course can be selected any time after registration).
  7. Each entrant should seek medical advice to ensure they are fit to compete and that this advice is obtained regularly and with the specific demands of the Event in mind.
  8. Each entrant recognises the difficulties of the Event and attests that they are physically fit to compete safely in the Event and that they have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical practitioner.
  9. If an entrant becomes aware of any medical conditions or impairments that will be detrimental to their health during their participation in the Event, or are otherwise sick or injured prior to the Event, they must withdraw from the Event.
  10. Each entrant consents to receive medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of an injury, accident and/or illness during the Event.
  11. Each entrant acknowledges that they have sole responsibility for their personal possessions including monies and/or valuables and equipment during the Event and related activities. No liability will attach to any person, corporation or body involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the Event for loss or damage of personal possessions including monies and/or valuables.
  12. Each entrant consents to the publication and/or use in any form of media whatsoever of their name, personal information, image and statements in any context pertaining to the Event or otherwise during or after the Event whether for advertising, promotions or otherwise, for no fee or remuneration.
  13. If an entrant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must read the terms and conditions of entry and accept them on their behalf. If an entrant is under 16 years of age they must also be accompanied by an adult when competing in the Event.
  14. Nothing in these terms (or any other terms relating to the Event) limits any warranty or condition implied by statute that cannot be excluded. The liability of The Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. and the Event Manager will (where permissible under statute) be limited to (at the discretion of The Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. or the Event Manager), in the case of goods, the replacement or repair of the goods or payment for the replacement of the goods, and in the case of services, the resupply of the services or payment for the value of the services.
  15. The Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions up to and including on the day of the Event. Variations will be posted on the Event website, which entrants must review from time-to-time.
  16. Sponsors (including their employees) and Castle Hill Rotarians aren't eligible to win the prize in the fundraising competition.

Participants are allowed to bring their companion dog to the Event and participate. The following conditions will apply:

  1. All dogs must be controlled at all times and be leashed
  2. Where necessary and if deemed by an Official, the dog is of a nuisance to other participants then the dog is to be removed immediately.
  3. If necessary the dog is to be muzzled if considered too nosey and/or aggressive.
  4. The owner of the dog must accept all liability for any circumstances that may arise and cause harm or injury to any person and/or damage to property to a participant, official ,representatives of sponsors and organisations assisting with the Event, as well as any person of the public who is not participating or involved in the Event.
General Terms and Conditions
  1. The Event Organiser and Event Manager of the Run for the Hills is The Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. ABN 70 413 349 289.
  2. "Event" means the Run for the Hills conducted over three (3) routes, to take place on the 8th of September 2024
  3. All funds raised will benefit the Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc.’s nominated charities as listed on the Run for the Hills website.
Acknowledgement of Terms and Conditions
  1. The decision to participate is entirely my own and I accept all risks associated with participation in the event, including but not limited to loss of life or permanent injury.
  2. I hereby acknowledge that I participate in the Event at my own risk, and in consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of my entry into this Event I hereby agree to release all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the event from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify such persons or corporations against all liability for any loss, damage and/or injury sustained arising out of my participation in the event, including any breach of these terms and conditions by me. This release extends to and includes The Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. and associated companies and their respective directors, officers, agents, contractors, employees, promoters, sponsors and volunteers, including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the event, the owners, licensees and occupiers of land upon which the event or any part of it takes place, The Hills Shire Council, Rural Fire Services, Sponsors to the Event, and any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the event or any part of it takes place or which is involved directly or indirectly with the event in any manner whatsoever. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns. In addition I understand that I hereby accept all responsibility for my child’s actions and waive all and any claim which might otherwise have against the interested parties hereinbefore described in this clause.
  3. I agree to abide by all event conditions as herein. I understand that I must follow the approved course and obey all directions and instructions given by event officials. The event organisers reserve the right in their discretion to reject or cancel my entry at any time, including without limitation for safety or insurance reasons, or if, in the opinion of the organisers, I am unable to complete the event within the cut-off times. I acknowledge that I must wear the official participant’s bib corresponding to the registration made in my name on such that the allotted number can be seen for the duration of the run.
  4. I acknowledge that the event organisers (The Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc.) or their representative/s may remove me from the event area and/or exclude me from participation in the event (a) if my behaviour is inappropriate, offensive, or abusive, (b) to prevent damage to any property, (c) on medical or health and safety grounds (including to prevent possible harm or injury to myself or any other person), or (d) to prevent or arrest any form of unauthorised marketing, including ambush marketing.
  5. I acknowledge that my entry fee is non-refundable and that no other person is permitted to participate in the Event in my place, unless there are special circumstances. Special circumstances are at the sole discretion of the organisers.
  6. I consent to the publication and/or use in any form of media whatsoever of my name, image, voice, statement or otherwise, (including the publication of my name on the Event website) without payment or compensation.
  7. I consent to the organisers entering my personal details contained on this entry form into a database which will be used for the administration of the event, including to SMS event information to me if I have provided a mobile phone number. Unless otherwise indicated by me on this entry form, I also consent to my personal details being used by the Run for the Hills event organisers, event partners and sponsors for future marketing and promotional purposes.
  8. I understand that I can gain access to my personal information and request that such details be updated if they change in the future by writing to the Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. P.O. Box 13 Castle Hill NSW 1765.
  9. I declare that all the information supplied by me on this entry form is true and correct. All the information that I provide as an entrant in the Run for the Hills is correct. I understand that I am solely responsible for any incorrect information. By ticking the check box of parent or guardian, I agree to these terms and conditions on behalf of my children as is required for participants under 18 years of age. I confirm that my agreement is given as an individual and on behalf of my family members within a family entry.
  10. I declare, as a condition of entry into the Run for the Hills event (the Event), that I have undertaken sufficient training for the event and that I am not aware of any illness, injury, physical disability or impairment which may cause me injury or death during or as a consequence of event participation. Each entrant acknowledges that participating in the Event may involve a real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including over exertion, dehydration, and accidents with other participants, spectators or road users.
  11. I certify that I am 18 years or older, or that I am the parent/legal guardian of the participant who is under the age of 18 years, and I have read this document and fully understand it. As a parent or legal guardian, I agree to these terms and conditions for and on behalf of the participant.